NOV 2024
9 Maria Kadlec Markova - Accelerating open science with tools not rules
In this talk we looked at some of the key milestones on the long road to open science and how tools rather than rules are helping researchers improve the transparency, reproducibility, and integrity of their research.

Ďalšie verejne záznamy súvisiace s podujatím v archíve:

Johan Rooryck - cOAlition S: the road ahead

The presentation informed about current activities and future plans of cOAlition S in moving to a sc..

2024-11-14 10:10:00

Matej Antol - Towards the Development of the Czech Data Infrastructure for FAIR Research Data

The author presented the EOSC CZ – a Czech national initiative dedicated to advancing best practic..

2024-11-14 11:50:00

Laetitia Bracco - French Open Science Monitoring

French Open Science Monitor (FOSM) tries to capture the efficiency of open access policy through dif..

2024-11-14 10:30:00

Sándor Soós - Bibliometrics as a key to Open Access Publishing – but not the way you think of it

The presentation illustrated a number of instances, based on current research, where the utilisation..

2024-11-14 11:10:00

Lucia Glajšeková, Alica Kubeková - The use of citizen science in the monitoring of animal species

The authors talked about their experience with citizen science projects in Slovakia. ..

2024-11-14 14:30:00

Rita Pinhasi - Open access publishing in Austria

This presentation gave the audience an overview of the various business models Austria has experienc..

2024-11-14 12:30:00

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