NOV 2024
11 Matej Antol - Towards the Development of the Czech Data Infrastructure for FAIR Research Data
The author presented the EOSC CZ – a Czech national initiative dedicated to advancing best practices in research data management across scientific communities.

Ďalšie verejne záznamy súvisiace s podujatím v archíve:

Johan Rooryck - cOAlition S: the road ahead

The presentation informed about current activities and future plans of cOAlition S in moving to a sc..

2024-11-14 10:10:00

Laetitia Bracco - French Open Science Monitoring

French Open Science Monitor (FOSM) tries to capture the efficiency of open access policy through dif..

2024-11-14 10:30:00

Sándor Soós - Bibliometrics as a key to Open Access Publishing – but not the way you think of it

The presentation illustrated a number of instances, based on current research, where the utilisation..

2024-11-14 11:10:00

Lucia Glajšeková, Alica Kubeková - The use of citizen science in the monitoring of animal species

The authors talked about their experience with citizen science projects in Slovakia. ..

2024-11-14 14:30:00

Rita Pinhasi - Open access publishing in Austria

This presentation gave the audience an overview of the various business models Austria has experienc..

2024-11-14 12:30:00

Maria Kadlec Markova - Accelerating open science with tools not rules

In this talk we looked at some of the key milestones on the long road to open science and how tools ..

2024-11-14 14:00:00

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